
Meet Oppa

Employee health support

We provide professional care in the field of physiotherapy, ergonomics, dietetics and psychology. We help companies to achieve their strategic goals, including projects in the field of HR, Workplace health and safety (WSH / OSH) and operational efficiency.

Education, prevention and treatment

Oppa Program protects the health of employees and prevents future problems. We strive to increase the efficiency of employees, take care about their well-being and general physical shape. For the management, this is a real support in reducing absenteeism and employee turnover.

Comprehensive benefit

Oppa Program is a complex physiotherapeutic benefit for current employees, as well as the advantage encouraging potential candidates to cooperate. We support building positive employee experiences.

They trusted us

Facts and figures

Pracowników w Polsce skarży się na dolegliwości zdrowotne związane z pracą
Wynosi absencja chorobowa w krajach UE spowodowana przez dolegliwości układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego
0mld PLN
Wynoszą roczne wydatki prywatne na fizjoterapię w Polsce

We respond to market trends:

Strategic wellbeing

Long-term planning and care for the well-being of employees, including healthcare.

Employee experience

Ensuring positive employee experiences in relation with the employer. The employer takes care about the good health of employees.

Employer branding

Building an employer brand and positive image of “employer of choice”.

CSR [Społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu]

Taking care about health awareness and promotion of good, prevention behaviors. Investing in employee development.

Digital health [Cyfrowe zdrowie]

We are currently observing and experiencing the shift of services to the remote world. This direction is very clear in the field of health-related services.

Let's find a solution tailored to your company's business goals and the employees’ needs